Seminar Overview
course overview

EPLAN Electric P8

Course program

EPLAN Certified Engineer Re-Certification

Target audience

For engineers that during the past three years have passed the EPLAN Certified Engineer Exam.


One day preparation for exam, then one day theoretical exam


Course cancellation must be made in writing to EPLAN at least 14 days before the course start. If the cancellation occurs later than 14 working days before the course, 25% of the regular course price will be charged. This fee also applies to no-shows. Course packages must be used within 12 months of confirmed attendance. The course place can be transferred to another person free of charge, however we would like to receive information about this at least 3 working days before the course start. The class course fee includes course materials, lunch, and water/coffee/tea. The course is invoiced at 30 days net. If fewer than 3 people (2 people Online course) register for the course 10 working days before the course start date, the course will be cancelled or rescheduled. This will be communicated by phone or email.

Prices are per attendee to the training

Price1 200,- € + VAT

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